AdSense Application Tips
By Richard Allen Google AdSense can bring a lot of additional income from your website, but a simple search around on the Internet and you will see that getting approved is far from easy. So what kind of things do you need to do to make sure that your application gets approved? Well you need to have original content and lots of it. Typically if you are running a blog I would suggest that around 60 to 80 posts is a good idea and that they are all your own work. If you just cut and paste articles from another source on to your blog then it is highly unlikely that you will get approved as it will simply look like a made for AdSense site. It is also a good idea to add an"About us" page, and put a brief bio of yourself up on it, as this shows that you are human and it is not just a spammy blog made with the sole intention of making money from ads. Adding a "Contact us" page will not do any harm to your application either and will enable anyone from Google that reviews your page to check that the contact details you have applied with are the same as the ones on your website. You also need to ensure that none of your content infringes any of Google AdSense's policies as you are not allowed any references to porn, violence, race hate etc. If your site has user-generated content then thisis something that you will carefully need to manage, both for the initial application and continued compliance, to avoid a ban. Your site also needs to look reasonably good visually and you should think "If I was an advertiser would I be happy seeing my advert on it?" If the answer is no, then you need to work on the look of your site until you are happy with it. That is the kind of thing that Google thinks about when deciding if your site should be approved for an AdSense account. Lastly it is vital that you have an AdSense compliant privacy policy and this is one of the things that many website owners forget, yet it ismandatory that your site has one andthis has been the case now for over two years. Fail to have one and your application can be rejected, or if you already have a site and it is found not to have one then it could result ina ban. It may take you a little while to ensure that your site follows these guidelines, however taking the time to follow them is likely to see your AdSense account approved and not rejected. It is also worth noting that it is notoriously hard to get approval once your site has been rejected.


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